
AKKEL Profile

The Agriculture and Livestock Party of Greece AKKEL


The fundamental position with which the AKKEL party was created and has been operating since May 2014, is that autonomy in primary food production is an absolute necessity for the survival of the people in the country, as well as economic development and national independence. The same is true for the production of medicines and energy for complete autonomy of resources.

AKKEL's focus in this area does not in any way mean that it ignores all the other issues involved in the governance of a country and the EU and are related to the Greek and European society (differentiating between the EU and "our Europe"). AKKEL has two other focal points and builds its political and social action based on these and the above mentioned about autonomy: 

(1) Today the Cold War division "Left - Right" does not exist and there is only the Regime of Barbarism with Globalization (Globalism) that attacks national societies and states and on the other hand the Opposition that protects national societies and states and culture, which is essentially based on Greco-Roman Civilization. 

(2) Greece does not belong to the West, East, North, South and anywhere else, but is a Reference Point of Humanity , as it has always been the spirit, values ​​and culture of Hellenism. Greeks have a mission to rebuild this function of the universal Reference Point to deal with global barbarism.

The common agricultural policy is the only institutionalized "common" in the EU while even the euro as a currency is "common" only in one part of the EU. There was talk of changing the name into Agricultural and Social Party of Greece (with "AKKEL" remaining) but the COVID prohibition on travel and gatherings do not allow the process. "Agriculture" also includes Livestock, but "Livestock" was introduced in the name in honor of the livestock breeders who set up the party in the beginning and now their offer has become known.

AKKEL supports specific positions on all critical issues, which are also supported by a large part of the population, but gives greater priority to the areas it has as a focal point. On the one hand, it considers them vital today for the survival of the Greek people and a prerequisite for any other political action. On the other hand, because the members of the party originally came from the field of basic food production and laid the foundations of political activity initially in this field, knowing its fundamental importance and the need to address the destructive policies of both governments in Greece and corrupted circles within the EU, leading to the destruction of the agricultural sector for the benefit of illegal supranational interests, cartels, etc.

AKKEL has submitted about 25 Petitions against government and other bodies of the Greek state to the European Parliament for illegalities and injustices against the agriculture world, as well as complaints to the European and Greek Competition Commission against cartels.

When Greece joined the EEC in 1981, it had 117% food self-sufficiency, ie it could meet the nutritional needs of the Greek population and export 17% of its production. Today, after years of illegal and unconstitutional Memoranda imposed by anti-social interests against Greece and after ignoring the result of the Referendum that condemned these interests and the Memoranda, food self-sufficiency has been reduced to about 30%. Therefore, AKKEL party's action aims to remove all kinds and forms of external influences on basic food production, in order to allow Greek society to grow everything allowed in the Greek land and water resources and especially to pay attention to the connection of food production with the historical background of Hellenism to produce food items from antiquity to our time.

This aspect also emphasizes the cultural quality of food production on earth that has been produced for thousands of years. Greece (along with China) is in a geographical area where on the one hand the same language is spoken for thousands of years and on the other hand the same land can produce the same food for the people who created and maintain Greek Civilization for thousands of years. Therefore, the Basic Food Production in the land of Greece has an extra deep cultural value for Greeks and is essentially a continuation of this element in Greek Civilization.

Moreover, if we do not use our land and water resources to produce the maximum amount of food for our people and have to import most of them, then we cannot expect long-term growth and we will have to question our levels of independence, which become diminished due to external influences. AKKEL is against the production and distribution of genetically modified (mutated) food and other substances, which replace even conventional and historical types of food in the country and around the world in such a way as to control food and use the genetically modified food as a political tool and for any other kind of control. Additionally, this genetic mutation also destroys the historical continuity of cultural elements of Greek Civilization (as mentioned above) and replaces them with products-property of totalitarian multinational companies, which participate in the leveling of national societies with Globalism. A similar catastrophe in the cultural sector is done with the effort of financing breeders to slaughter all lambs, goats and other animals, raised on Greek land for a very long time and sell them as meat, so that all kinds of traditional animals disappear and virtually destroy the historical continuity. Fishing has not escaped either, as fishermen in Greece have been funded for some time now, so that they can be completely destroy their ships, without the possibility of reuse and stop fishing all fish which constantly lived in Greek waters. 

Greece no longer has national sovereignty, as has been reported publicly many times, especially in 2018, when the Tsipras government celebrated by saying that in August 2018, with its own “healthy governance”, Greece would regain national sovereignty. In other words, Prime Minister Tsipras admitted that we do not have national sovereignty; at least we did not have it until August 2018. The political opponents of the SYRIZA-ANEL government disputed that we would regain our national sovereignty in August 2018. That is, there is no disagreement that Greece has no national sovereignty from the time of at least the Memoranda and the only disagreement is whether and when we will acquire it again, that is, when Greece will become an independent and sovereign state. To see the cold reality without trying to paint it beautifully with partisan colors of the regime political parties, AKKEL reveals that the geographical area known as Greece is not an geographical area of ​​an independent and sovereign country that is a member of the European Union, NATO, etc., but is occupied territory, as it was in World War II under German Occupation. The difference today is that we are multi-occupied by illegitimate interests prevailing in government sectors of European Union and NATO countries.

Since the beginning of the ’10s decade, with the government of George Papandreou, Greece has been under occupation of unholly interests, expressed and even served by some government sectors within EU and NATO countries. The false excuse given for this unprecedented occupation of a member state in the EU, NATO, the Council of Europe, the UN and in other international organizations, is that the Greeks were irresponsible and punks within the European Union, that we did not work, we did not live with our earned money, that Greece continuously borrowed and we spent without limit, that the European Union and the EEC (in the past) used to support us. Apart from being completely false and racist, this is also a provocative excuse to cover up what really happened against Greek society,

 Therefore, one of the key tasks we have to perform within the European Union is to regain national sovereignty. Western structures such as the European Union and NATO have failed to provide the benefits they are supposed to provide to Greece, when Greece has given  up elements of its national sovereignty to these political and military bodies to receive benefits for its citizens in the fields of security as well as economy, transparency, trade, etc.. The fact that the Western "partners" (both within the European Union and NATO) knew that national sovereignty had been removed from Greece when the illegitimate interests operating within their states tied Greece to the Memoranda regime, determines the basic function that we must have within the European Union and this is the effort to clean the European Union of these corrupt interests that caused this disaster against the Greek people. Some examples of extreme actions specifically against the agricultural sector, which promoted these corrupt interests within the European Union, together with their accomplices in Greece (weakening the country's self-sufficiency-independence), are the financing of fishermen to completely destroy fishing vessels the attempt to finance breeders to kill their sheep and other animals and sell them as meat, the use of banks as a weapon to seize subsidies and other income of farmers of raw materials and fuels for farmers, stockbreeders, etc.

Protection from such situations was one of the fundamental reasons that Greece became a member of the EEC and NATO and all other Western structures, political and military: To protect everyone if and when needed . These Western structures not only failed to give these exchanges of security and protection to Greece for the elements of national sovereignty deposited by Greece (like any other Member State) under their control, but they became themselves the enemy by which they were supposed to protect Greek society.


AKKEL is a pro-European party and this at the same time gives it the character of opposition to the current European Union, because pro-Europeanism in itself includes resistance to the current antidemocratic form of the EU. Pro-Europeanism is in the relentless fight to rid EU of corruption that has reached the highest levels of government and aims to build an enslaved and undemocratic Federation by destroying national societies. It is not possible to argue that leaving the European Union, this European Union as it is today and moving towards the totalitarianism of federalism, could be improved and cleansed of the corruption that has infected it. On the contrary, corruption will subjugate the peoples of other countries more quickly and therefore we would help corruption more and not the peoples if we left the European Union. Genuine and pure pro-Europeanism (in the social and anthropocentric sense of Greco-Roman Civilization) is the battle against the current form of the European Union. Conscious supporters of the EU, in its current form and function, may not only be anti-Europeans but enemies of the freedom and national sovereignty of the Member States. 

 The Parliament in Greece includes parties that represent only about 50% of citizens (+/- 5%). The remaining 50% consists of those who abstained from voting, voted blank and invalid, and those who voted for parties that did not enter Parliament. If this is combined with the fact that both within the European Union and in NATO it is known that Greece has no national sovereignty, it becomes clear to everyone that in the case of Greece not only democracy has been removed and citizens do not control their country, but also from a legal point of view renders invalid and non-existent any action (sales of state assets, etc.) of the governments that have been placed in Greece mainly after the era of the Memoranda by the government of George Papandreou and after. In other words, in the country where Democracy was born, the corruption that has affected both the European Union and other Western structures has taken away democracy and (at best) Greece is governed through an oligarchic system where the ruling government party now typically represents less than half of 50% of the populatin.

All this is evidence that the European Union and Western structures in general are seriously suffering from a lack of democracy, because if this were not the case, they would never allow this situation to happen in Greece. Protection from such situations was one of the fundamental reasons that Greece became a member of the EEC and NATO and all other (political and military) Western structures. We did not receive what is the reason for justifying the existence of these structures.

AKKEL has acted catalytically and effectively for the cooperation of Greece with Russia and has condemned to the highest degree the sanctions against Russia, who (based on the principle of reciprocity) imposed an embargo on agricultural products from the European Union. AKKEL argues that it is unacceptable and inadmissible, if not illegal, interests in the United States to use Europe as a tool and weapon against Russia and this must stop immediately. AKKEL's action in the European Parliament (with a relevant Report to the Petitions Committee) aims to end sanctions and ensure that Russia lifts the embargo on agricultural products, while working intensively to strengthen Russia’s relations with the European Union on equal terms and mutual benefit.

            AKKEL emphasizes that corruption within the European Union but also in the United States and the interests that support and benefit from this corruption (OSIFE, Integrity initiative etc) have targeted Russia to bring it under their control. This targeting provokes (to some extent) reactions from Russia which would not exist if the European Union's relations with it were at the level of parity and mutual benefit.

The same holds for China, Iran and other countries. In order to reduce or eliminate what is presented in the West as "aggression", etc., we must cleanse our region of these interests which cause enmity with these and other countries. These corrupted interests have also targeted as a society. So these are the fundamental enemies and only after neutralizing these corrupted interests in our “European House” will we be able to define our relations with Russia and other countries, because then the peoples of Europe will be able to operate on their own, without being used by third parties to determine these relationships.

We also emphasize that the hostility that has been cultivated by corruption interests in the United States and to some extent in the European Union, against Russia (and other countries) has even targeted the basic functions of the Free Economy and free competition. The result in Greece was to impose a substantial ban on trade and even cultural relations with Russia. Greece and the whole of the European Union face a Soviet-style, unprecedented state intervention in all sectors, especially in the economy, because this state intervention is done mainly by a foreign state, the United States, with the agriculture world being the first victim.

In the course of clearing Europe of corrupted interests which create problems in our relations both with Russia and with other countries, some EU countries will have to face their colonial past. A significant part of the wealth existing in their territory come from other countries which in previous centuries had been occupied and exploited politically and economically. In fact, the instability and internal conflicts that still exist today are largely due to the remnants of power left by some European countries when they were forced to leave these areas. Africa and the Middle East are two such examples, but even in Greece we cannot forget that both Britain and Germany, and to a lesser extent France, etc., have stolen Greek antiquities of incalculable value and transferred them to their territory as a result of joint criminal acts of theft by individuals whom even today these countries have not convicted. The Netherlands is another case in point with the creation of the apartheid South African regime. An important factor in the European Union's relations with the countries of Africa, the Middle East, etc., therefore, should be based on the recognition of the responsibility of the European Union states from colonialism and the practical correction of their past actions.


AKKEL does not recognize the "Left and Right" division. We cannot speak, nor evaluate or examine political, social and other developments and events from the left-right perspective. This may have been the case for a few decades during the Cold War, but right now it is a tool to divide society and to put citizens at war with one another and not against those who create problems against them, stealing their freedom, sovereignty and the power they hold. AKKEL is a unifying party and not divisive.

            This artificial division between Left and Right is also the means of division, which the Globalization establishment uses to label and characterize as “far right” and Nazis all citizens who resist the poison of Globalization and the overthrow of Democracy and Freedom in the European Union. That is to say, this regime that has revived Nazism in Europe and is spreading it all over the world has the hypocrisy of accusing others of being far-right Nazis. At a time when Nazism itself (as National Socialism) has nothing to do with the old Right, as we knew it in the old "Left-Right" divide. Nazism belongs to the extremist far-left because it Germanizes the left-socialist model of internationalism which is the forerunner of today's Globalism and Federalism. In our days, like in the past, both were destroying nation-states and nation-societies, and the only thing that has changed is that they are now being exported from the West. In the cold war era they were exported from the "left", the communist world. 

Illegal immigration (or rather Strategic Population Displacement) is an issue that AKKEL considers to be in fact the same type of population displacement that the Nazis or the Soviets or the Ottomans have done in the past. What happened in the past is happening now. Today however they are trying to change the composition of the population in our territory and in our case it is actually replacing the population. The displaced can do nothing to help the countries they came from and are being pressured to clash with the locals in the displaced countries, while jihadists are being channeled among them. Therefore, it is not about immigration or the asylum case, but it is a matter of repeating the displacement of populations for the management of populations as the Soviets, Nazis, Ottomans and others have done in the past, additionally in conjunction with the expansion of jihadism.

Today this issue must not be dealt with in political terms and in a supposed dialogue with countries like Turkey through which these displaced populations pass. It must be dealt with exclusively in the context of the prosecution of organized crime by prosecuting traffickers in any country and wherever they are located. This persecution should be done in an exemplary way in order to make participation in these trafficking networks unprofitable and include the deprivation of citizenship, confiscation of any property, while we suggest even considering the application of the Roman penalty for Conviction of Remembrance (Damnatio Memoriae ) by deleting the name of the guilty from any document and storage medium and replacing them with a registration number of those sentenced to such a sentence. Only the fear of punishment can stop participating in such population displacement networks that revive some of the darkest pages of previous centuries. Banning NGOs is also fundamental and strategically important.

The displaced populations should be relocated to their countries of origin (after the jihadists are identified and imprisoned) and during their stay in Greece, they could be provided with information and training on who uses them and how. while basic language skills could be taught, such as learning Greek and Latin, so that at least these people who were used by the globalization regime to alter our societies, we would treat them in humane terms and allow them to return home with dignity. them, after first informing them of those who used them and turning the displaced against the globalizers who displaced them.

            AKKEL has even proposed a combined multinational military operation to remove Turkish control from the land in coastal areas of Turkey from where smugglers smugglers flee with the blessings of the Turkish regime. General Haftar's forces in Libya after a few days made public this possibility imprinted on a map especially for the land section in Evros and on the border of Turkey with Bulgaria.

            In this context of population replacement, a seemingly different practice is being carried out that is fanatically supported even by European Union officials, and that is the imposition of constant blows on large families with three or more children . During the period of the memoranda they have received exceptional reductions in the income and in the facilities that they had in the past, while the same has been done to the disabled and in general people with special needs. Only the Nazis had done such a disservice to the disabled, which shows and emphasizes that the Nazi spirit and the treatment of these social groups has survived Nazi Germany and has hitherto hit the highest levels of government of the European Union as it has. revealed by the act and action of the Troika in Greece. AKKEL is completely opposed to this treatment of large families and people with disabilities and supports the reversal and neutralization of any trace of such a policy and the condemnation in the conscience of the peoples of the European Union of all those who apply and have promoted such actions and mentalities.

The basic position of many regarding the European Union and the currency of the euro is that great changes must be made in the way governance is done in the European Union, to encourage much more participation of the people and to remove power from those who are known as the "elite" and today lead the European Union towards turning Europe into a federal dictatorship.

The false dilemma of "euro or drachma" (and generally the euro or the respective national currency) is not a problem that was naturally created on the basis of citizens. It's a strategic move by the globalists who created it to create fear and uncertainty. It was channeled into the political scene by Merkel, Schwoeble and Sarkozy for blackmailing the Greeks. The sound approach is to restore national currencies and use them together with the euro: The national currencies of the Eurozone countries (whoever countries want to re-activate them) would coexist with the euro and other national currencies in pure, free competition in monetary markets and link to gold in order to have stability. The Rule of Gold is absolutely necessary.

This approach fundamentally corrects the problem of the euro, because it goes before the "monetary coup" that forced the replacement of national currencies. The original intention and direction was to coexist with national currencies and to use the euro mainly as a reserve currency which can also be used within the euro area as a commonly accepted currency, inter alia to help "distribute wealth fairly within the euro area". In addition, the 1 euro would exist as a banknote (like the dollar and the pound) and not as a coin. These were told to the Greeks to accept the euro and when the national currencies were decided to be replaced and people saw that there would be no 1 Euro banknote (and the introduction of euro moved in the shadows), the attitude of Greeks became more negative, they were afraid that prices would rise (as it did) and important parts of our sovereignty would be at stake.

The Euro, in its distorted form, was in fact imposed on the Greeks and although many details are not known to many today, when informed they still want the early  from which the euro began and not the current status. Unfortunately, many people in Greece are locked in fear of the artificial "dilemma" of the Drachma against the Euro and are afraid of bringing all this to the surface on their own. Awareness of the very easy and simple solution to the problem, as we have described, will restore citizens' confidence in the solution and undo the "monetary coup" which turned euro into a German currency of sovereignty in Europe.

            The implementation of e-government using electronic communications and the execution of actions and procedures so that the physical presence of the citizen in the Public Service is not needed is necessary and we obviously support it, but only on this condition that it does not replace the conventional procedure applied so far, because electronic procedures have been used on the one hand to violate the privacy of citizens and on the other hand because there is always a need for an alternative or a safeguard in case electronic procedures are electronically attacked or even used against citizens in any way. Equal use of cash with the use of plastic and electronic money is one such case. Under the pretext of fighting tax evasion in Greece, the use of cash in transactions has been practically declared illegal because cash transactions cannot be recognized to certify the tax-free amount depending on income. In this way, however, the corruption that prevails in Greek political life, in the banking sector, in public administration, etc will be able to illegally have full control over the life of every citizen and this totally unacceptable.

            Especially for the banking sector, which has become the most fanatical tool of destruction of the agricultural world in Greece as well as of families and other professionals, AKKEL has advocated the cleansing of the banking sector from anti-social corruption, which turns it into a tool of oppression of citizens, even if temporary nationalization of the Banks is needed. It will move for the internal balance of labor relations and for the formation of a climate so that the bank employees act as servants of the Greek people and professionals and not as praetorians of various illegal interests that today serve the majority of the Banks.

We must emphasize that the ever-increasing promotion of electronic banking, which makes the use of cash essentially illegal or unacceptable, is a tool of control of citizens on a personal level, individually personally of each citizen, in full proportion to what was happening in the East Germany by the Stasi Security Service, where it had achieved espionage against every citizen: individually and personally. At the time, it had achieved this with armies of agents and informers within East German society, while today’s Banking Stasi achieves it underground and more silently through interbank transaction technology.

            The focus on primary food production is one of the examples of the need that has been identified by the Greeks during the crisis of the Memoranda and the Occupation of the country from corrupted interests. The return to the fundamentals, to the basics, apart from the changes brought about by the corrupt regime that has prevailed and prevails in the western countries and has taken over the leadership and power in Greece, is a feeling that all Greeks have while they, even silently, do not succumb to the fascism of the Memoranda and to the totalitarianism it has brought about and is only compared to the German Nazi Occupation in the 1940s.

            Just as with Primary Production we restore balance and normality to the fundamentals of food production, same through Direct Democracy we work similarly in governing the country and maintaining the power of the citizens so that it is controlled by the citizens and not by the "elite", as the oligarchic anti-democratic forces and interests characterize themselves. Direct Democracy is not just a new and fancy political tool, but it is the only way of Governing that relies on the power of every citizen and does not hand over power to the self-proclaimed Elite of Rulers as has largely prevailed in the leadership of Greece and the European Union.  This “elit” leads to the totalitarianism of federalism and globalization. The most important element for Direct Democracy to be implemented is the education system needs to be reformed and upgraded so that the education provided to the citizens enables them to practice Direct Democracy and to be freed from the current state of fear and immobility that paralyzes their function as active citizens.

            The liberation of the Press and journalists from the influence of the corrupted power that has prevailed to a large extent in the political and business spheres, is a primary function for AKKEL. AKKEL fully expresses the Greek people at this point. It is impossible to restore democracy and the power of the people in the country and Governing of the European Union (so that we have a free and democratic Europe and not an oligarchic one (at best) as it is today) when the Press becomes a means of supposed “information” but essentially influencing the citizens to succumb to the will and politics of the anti-democratic and anti-social circles that   characterize themselves as Elite in government. It does not make sense to have any claims in any field, any party, any stated goals, when journalists operate in an environment of control and intimidation in various ways and they do not have the support to free themselves from these corrupted circles so that they work for the benefit of citizens and society as a whole. The press and journalists must be liberated first.

AKKEL sees as a prospect to coordinate with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) based in Brussels, to combat any hostile and negative influence that has so far had against the Press and the journalistic function. These will include (but will not be limited to) the protection of the security of journalistic communications to the institutional shielding of journalists in order to eliminate any hostile actions against them, of any form and any intensity. Only when journalists gain society’s protection, at the same time greater responsibility towards citizens will be created,

Inextricably linked to the protection of journalists will be the protection of whistleblowers, who reveal illegalities and violations in the private and public sector and within this framework there will be simultaneous protection of the journalist and his source.

AKKEL proposed to the Ministry of Interior to give an honorary naturalization as Greek citizen to Julian Assange because with the revelations he made on WikiLeaks, on the one hand he offered excellent services to the Greek people to know many of the background actions taken against Greeks by the Troika through the Memoranda, up to the opposition from the deep US state against the blessed Archbishop Christodoulos when he moved in support of the national rights of Greece. In addition, the revelations of Julian Assange revealed crimes and in this way served the values ​​of Hellenism. The specific proposal was made following the proposal submitted by the Hellenic Direct Democracy Movement, collaborating with AKKEL, at the Ministry of Interior during the previous government, so that there is continuity although AKKEL has not yet received any response from Minister Mr. Theodorikakos and his successor Mr. Voridis. However, the issue IS STILL OPEN.


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