Κυριακή 20 Μαρτίου 2022

AKKEL Letter to European Commission - The mandatory resignation of President von der Leyen due to the coup overthrow of Democracy in the EU


TO      :           European Commission President, Ms Ursula von der Leyen

RE.    :            URGENT - The mandatory resignation of President von der Leyen due to the coup overthrow of Democracy in the EU


Your Excellency President of the European Commission, 

            As president of the Greek political party AKKEL, monitoring the totalitarianism with which both the Mitsotakis government in Greece and other governments in the European Union and the European Commission, faced and used the emergence of the new coronavirus COVID-19, I have a duty to demand that you resign from the post of President of the European Commission, because you participated in and contributed to the overthrow of Democracy as well as of all respect and protection of citizens in the Member States of the European Union, which both the EEC and the EU were supposedly created and exist to protect.

            You have a personal responsibility for turning the territory of the European Union into a territory of Nazi and Bolshevik domination, to the point that neither East Germany with Stasi imposed such a combined number and type of measures against citizens. You participated and participate to an imposition of Ontological Sharia within a “coronavirus ritual”.

            Obviously, both you and other EU officials in leadership positions, have no knowledge and sense of the foundations of Democracy, as they relate to the ontological existence of human beings: the spiritual subsistence and the physical-biological subsistence of human beings. Humans, as beings, are in dire need of ontologically important “body members”-functions in order to exist. Democracy is the only state of society that allows the unimpeded and clear provision of service to the ontological existence of people with ontological value services such as Freedom of movement, association, communication, speech, work-business and all that which a democratic state ensures in a geographical area that has the character of a state. The aforementioned ontological services to every human being have exactly the same value and protection in Democracy as the biological functions of breathing, resting food, etc. as well as the spiritual needs for seeking salvation in the afterlife, etc. These freedoms are the body-members of the "ontological body "of every human being. By enforcing the "measures" you have taken or supported to stop or restrict movement, access to places of worship, recreation, restriction of free expression and speech (allegedly as fake news) etc. is exactly the same as putting obstacles to breathing, food, rest and other biological needs. They have the same value, importance and need in Democracy as these biological functions. But rather (in the leadership of the Commission and other EU institutions) you do not know the essentials of democracy. At least at school we had lessons about them such as "Citizenship Education" (Agogi tou Politi), "Elements of Democratic State" (Stixia Dimokratikou Politevmatos) etc. You may be removing them or changing them, so that they do not refer to "nation", "homeland" and other concepts forbidden to you.


            The policy of "measures" and prohibitions that you have imposed works like the Islamic Sharia of ISIS: it mutilates members of the ontological body of the people (freedom of movement, association, opinion, etc.) in the same arbitrary, barbaric and inhuman way that the Islamic State beheaded , mutilated and terrorized the occupied populations in the occupied territories using the Sharia Law as you use the "Coronavirus Law", the Koronosaria. ISIS arbitrarily and fascistically imposed and enforced its own "Law" on the occupied territory; you arbitrarily and fascistically imposed and enforce your own "Law" on the occupied territory of the EU. Arbitrarily and fascistically they killed and imprisoned those who did not submit to their Sharia occupation regime, arbitrarily and fascistically you impose persecution against citizens (your bosses) who do not submit to your own Koronosaria occupation regime. You are not as barbaric and inhuman as the Islamic State, you are worse. They only affected the physical existence of their victims; you affect the entire ontological status of your victims.


            Using as justification the treatment of COVID-19 and without scientific documentation, on contrary with the Stalinist-type silencing of the vast majority of scientists (with threats of disciplinary action against doctors, for publishing in newspapers, TV channels and the Internet, etc.) as well as the European government regimes in each EU country (perhaps with the exception of Sweden) you have violated the fundamental principles of accountability and proportionality of risk-measures by imposing "measures" against citizens instead of publicly pressing governments to strengthen troubled or even semi-destroyed national health systems, since ONLY within the health systems every disease can be treated, especially if it is a new danger and that is why we, the citizens, pay "in gold" for the operation of the health systems.

            Worse still, you have accepted and enforced a coronavirus infection measurement system that cannot produce reliable and comparable results. On the one hand, PCR tests can not measure infection with the virus that actually causes disease, except for the presence of virus residues in the human body and this only when they are adjusted to the appropriate sensitivity so as not to give false positives. On the other hand, rapid tests are proven to give a very large number of false positives, at least. The daily fluctuation of the number of tests and their unstable geographical location make the situation even worse, because it is enough just to increase the number of tests at a different point each time to show a false increase in the number of infections. If we add the other fact of reporting the death not only of those who were caused exclusively by the coronavirus but also of every person who had other health problems and was infected with the coronavirus, we see an unprecedented fraud and a crime unprecedented in human history. In particular, AKKEL has repeatedly requested information such as minutes of meetings of the Ministry of Health, etc in order to determine exactly what was the scientific contribution of the alleged "experts", appointed by the ruling party to deal with the crisis. AKKEL has never received a response, a fact that proves that there is no scientific documentation of both the situation regarding the coronavirus infections and scientific documentation of the treatment measures, which ultimately in NO case are allowed to exceed any limits within the Democracy, however they actually exceeded them.

            Therefore, the necessary, reliable and comparable measurement data do not exist or have ever existed in order to make any truly scientific assessment and treatment planning. A corrupt "scientific gang" in the US with strong tentacles all over the West and beyond, trapped at least several hundred million people by overthrowing the democratic state we thought we had and succeeded in intimidating and silencing the vast majority of scientists who naturally DO NOT agree with the gangsters.

            In a state where there is a representative democracy, all the responsibility for such matters lies with the governors who have been elected or even appointed to positions of responsibility and they are responsible, they have the responsibility to face every risk. If they do not have the skills or the will to carry out the obligations and duties they have taken on representatively towards the citizens, then it is they who must resign and not their own inability loaded on the citizens and punish the citizens. This, of course, also applies to appointed and elected officials in the leadership of the European Union.

            What is worse is that the data were NEVER provided (nor was an independent scientific investigation allowed) to scientifically justify the imposition of "measures", which of course is in no way justified as proportional to any risk. Then, you "stuck" completely unscientifically to the idea of ​​vaccines as the "Only Solution" while finding drugs was the right thing to do and vaccines to be used from 2022-2023 onwards as provided by the scientific timetables (to deal with mutations). Leading scientists have been warning since the summer of 2020 that in "this phase" the vaccinated people will become "mutation factories" and THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE SEE TODAY. You have gone to extremes in banning the use of NORMAL antibody vaccines and imposing ABNORMAL RNA drugs, baptizing them as "vaccines" which were not expected to treat mutations.


Why can't citizens in EU countries choose the vaccine they want to make, either from the EU, or Russia, China, USA, etc? Since you say that the situation is so critical and other people are using these vaccines, which are NORMAL vaccines. And how dare you impose penalties and punishments on citizens (your bosses) for illegal and unscientific choices that YOU made?


            Especially in Greece, both the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the current government minister Adonis Georgiadis (and in addition George Papandreou, as prime minister of the first Troika Memorandum) have the overwhelming responsibility for the destruction of the health system, (during the Samaras’ government period they were ministers) because they carried out unconstitutional orders of the Troika and led thousands of doctors and health personnel to leave the health system and most of them to leave Greece, while they also drastically reduced funding. In fact, since February 2020, the Mitsotakis government had banned hospital doctors from talking or writing about the problems of hospitals, mainly in relation to the coronavirus. That is, BEFORE the first "measures" are imposed. In order to cover their criminal responsibilities that led to the situation today, with no necessary infrastructure for equipment and scientists, doctors and paramedics, which are the foundation and the main factor of the problem.

            The problems that exist today in dealing with health risks are almost entirely due to these destructions that they completed and in addition caused by these people, who are now leading the way in actions against the citizens that would make even the Nazi criminals wonder. Everything that is supposed to be done by the Mitsotakis government to deal with the coronavirus has a fundamental goal, first of all, to cover his and Adonis Georgiadis' responsibilities in the destruction of the health system, which they continue even today. You personally, like the leaders of the other institutions of the European Union, support these corrupt individuals and the gangs around them, who serve them and are served by them. We and the entire Greek people are fighting them as examples of embodied Corruption. The resistance that exists is a fight against the corruption that we have been waging for decades as well as a demonstration of the distrust of the Greek citizens towards these corrupt people and the interests around them. We are Deniers of Corruption and both they and you are Honoraries of Corruption, immersed into it.

            Together with them, you have brought the situation in Greece to a point where the citizens actually need to pay a "ticket" of about 10 euros (for taking a test) to enter a church if we have not been vaccinated. In addition, it is forbidden to enter restaurants or shops, except outside and only if we have done a test and all these only in the last weeks without saying anything since March 2020. A few days ago the president of the Panhellenic Medical Association himself (party element of the ruling party) demanded that the unvaccinated pay their medical expenses !!! Others are publicly pressuring the unvaccinated to not even be allowed in supermarkets and grocery stores. Why should we tolerate this, why should we tolerate YOU? The Council of Europe has clearly decided that compulsory vaccination is not allowed but you have exceeded all limits and imposed and tolerated blackmail vaccination! I will not talk about the cases of Australia, New Zealand, Austria, where we see the rulers there being completely unbalanced and perverted and can only be compared to Nazi criminals, when we see the rage with which they attack their citizens, especially those who have not been vaccinated. Even Hitler might have been more balanced; Hitler might have been more moderate than them!

            We are fighting corruption, we are Corruption Deniers and you are tolerating and participating in the Goebelist campaign of mud from these corrupt people, which makes us targets with characterizations such as "virus deniers", "vaccine deniers", "conspiracy theorists", etc. How dare you tolerate and participate in this perversion supporting corruption and targeting us? Only if you are part in this corruption, this can be explained. Together with the most corrupt people in and around the Mitsotakis government (and of course in the Media) you contribute to the division of Greeks (and all citizens in EU countries) into "vaccinated-unvaccinated" and various others, to prevent us from uniting against this corruption. They talk (and you talk) about responsibility, but you have given legal protection, impunity and discharge of responsibility in favor of those who accuse us… of irresponsibility!!! 

            In a democratic country (with representative democracy as it is supposed to be in the EU) there is the Health System with hospitals, clinics, health centers, etc. so that in it and through it to deal with diseases and in general EVERY health threat. The civilized and democratic approach of a state to the treatment of diseases is this, that is, with scientific medical means within the Health System and it is NEVER done with police, administrative, criminal, etc. measures against the citizens. Each government has the sole responsibility for keeping the Health System in good standing to deal with any existing health threats and developing it to deal with new threats such as COVID-19 at any intensity. Also, the medical and legal history and experience with AIDS allows anyone who thinks they have been infected by someone else with COVID-19 to follow the other path that exists in a democratic country and resolve their dispute through the courts, but proving his claims against his fellow citizen. The imposition of restrictions and penalties on citizens, in a democratic state, is allowed ONLY after a court decision and ONLY for the specific person, NEVER blindly and collectively.

            THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. We have came today in the European Union and in other countries of the world to see a complete overthrow of democracy and the imposition of a gangster system by gangs of people from politics, medicine, academia, business and the media. What happened in March 2020 was completely arbitrary, as a coup by organized crime methods. You personally have acted as a component of this enforcement, mainly because you do not react and let it be imposed.

            A few months ago, the European Commission and the whole of Europe reacted correctly against the government regime in Malta when it excluded the unvaccinated from entering the country. They immediately changed it. The case of Malta compared to the current situation was a kindergarten compared to a university doctorate in Crime University. Your response should had at least been exterminating sanctions against government officials in every country and the supposed "expert" scientists and media who considered, imposed and justified this Nazi cholera they have unleashed on European soil. Deprivation of citizenship could have also been an option so that these humanoid beings are not associated with Europe. Of course, the confiscation of property as well. Not only you have not done not even a trace of these, but it seems that both you and the European Commission as a whole are actively supporting them. 

Especially you, since March 25, 2020, have been informed by the International and European Federation of Journalists (among others) of the importance of freedom of information in tackling the new coronavirus and government efforts to punish independent journalists and the media as well as government efforts to impose restrictions on journalists' access to sources of information that can speak on the coronavirus situation. Journalists' federations, after legal scrutiny and scrutiny of journalistic ethics and best practices, have published positions in which freedom of opinion and information is not only essential for the proper, democratic and scientific treatment of coronavirus, but also for governments to "freeze" and suspend the implementation of legislation that suppresses the free expression and circulation of information, such as defamation legislation, which is already being abused by various powerful and corrupt actors. That is, you and the government regimes in the EU moved EXACTLY AGAINST the documented and legally audited journalistic appeals of the IFJ and EFJ, whose offices are located almost on the other side of the road from the offices of the European Commission. How do you justify this? On what legal, ethical and scientific basis did you commit such an illegality?

            The situation of freedom and independence of the press in Greece is tragic. Both national television stations and several major newspapers and websites operate and publish having a regime mentality and as part of the government regime, without any independence and freedom and in violation of the IFJ (Global Charter of Ethics) code of conduct. Even before the coronavirus, the situation was not good, but after the government regime of Prime Minister Mitsotakis gave tens of millions to various media (and additional "relief" for obligations) to uncontrollably broadcast the government line for the coronavirus, these Media brought a total blackout on anything they deem not aligned with the government line. They exterminated their personal independence and, of course, their institutional journalistic status, causing and perpetuating division among the Greeks.

            Among other violations, they become assistants and subordinates of both the Police and every Security and Intelligence Service, violating the 11th direction of ethics, for the first time to such an extent and intensity of violation in history. Comparable situations are only in East Germany and North Korea, not even in the Soviet Union. The only difference is that the extermination of the dissidents is not done by their natural execution but by slander, complete exclusion of the answer or other point of view, complete alteration of the positions and arguments of those who fight against the corruption in which these media are, and even the style of speech and writing is done in a theatrical way as " people’s child", but at the moment when these supposed "journalists" act as gears of these gangs against the people. They never act with an investigative or controlling orientation towards the government, but always supportive and by criticizing the citizens who do not submit to anything promoted by the government.

 AKKEL, as a result of these, faced unprecedented fascism by supposed "journalists" mainly on national television channels, when we denounced the exclusion of both AKKEL and other parties from the news bulletins and news programs, until the complete silencing of positions and revelations that we did. With coldness and cruel arrogance we were told that they have chosen to present the government line as an official and stable reality to the point of taking statements and interviews only from a list of doctors and other scientists who are mainly dependent on the New Democracy party, but also from pharmaceutical companies that have huge interests with vaccines. That is, they admitted that they were throwing journalistic ethics in the trash. It is a result of the aforementioned enforcement in which you also participate.

Apartheid biological weapons against specific DNA

We will close the letter of demand for your resignation by revealing another direction that most likely serves the use of RNA vaccines, which you may know from your previous stay in the German government. It discreetly circulated (mainly within the Greek Armed Forces) the very serious possibility that the Turkish regime will take advantage of data that will emerge as a result of vaccinations with the Turkish-German vaccine of Pfizer-Biontech, to formulate an operational strategy of biological weapons of mass destruction, which will be targeting specific DNA and will be able to target Greeks.

            There is great danger under formation that the Turkish regime, following its cooperation with Pakistan for access to nuclear weapons, which has been revealed in recent years by Indian officials, may take advantage of the declared and publicized cooperation of the Turkish company Biontech, based in Germany, with Turkish institutions (Tubitak etc) are also active in the field of biological warfare, but of course supposedly in the form of protection from such risks. The purpose of this cooperation, among other things, is said to be to fill the gaps left by the South African effort to develop such weapons of mass destruction under the Apartheid regime and to which the Turkish regime most likely had access after Ocalan's capture, when Kurds and other opposition to the Turkish regime tried to link the case of Abdullah Ocalan with that of Nelson Mandela in order to achieve his release. The Turkish regime then allegedly strengthened the already existing "understanding" it had with individuals from the Apartheid regime long before Ocalan's arrest: The gateway to Turkey opened to be used against Greeks, Kurds, Armenians, etc.

            Combining knowledge of the specific biological warfare programs of the Apartheid regime in South Africa, combined with the persistent and unscientific imposition of RNA drugs as vaccines, we see that many things are interpreted when accepting a possible use of the Turkish-German RNA vaccine from Pfizer-Biontech (which differs from the Russian, for example) can be either (1) the disclosure of data to facilitate the mapping of individuals' DNA in relation to vulnerabilities to the use of biological weapons targeting a specific form of DNA, or (2) assisting biological weapons to focus on a specific DNA and to infect it, or not to infect another specific DNA. Even the aggression against all other vaccines, except that of Pfizer-Biontech, can be explained by whether the composition of this particular Turkish-German vaccine further facilitates the two aforementioned directions. In addition, your reluctance to disclose ALL THE DATA on vaccines supplied by the EU. and the ban on the publication of certain sections of relevant documents is most likely related to the very possibility that RNA vaccines could be used to map human DNA. Corruption in the EU leadership and your tolerant attitude does not allow us to have any confidence in you.

            Consecutive doses of the vaccine, even when the third dose had not been formally approved, and the fact that reports have already begun to be made of the need for a new vaccine to treat new mutations in South Africa (coincidentally?) can be simple logic to include them in this reasoning. They could be separate phases of such mapping in the sense that they function like the contrast fluid (skiagrafiko) in various medical imaging images to highlight specific points in the human body that are of interest. With the difference that the result of the vaccinations with the specific German-Turkish vaccine will highlight points of interest to be used in the operational planning for a biological weapon that will target the DNA of specific populations such as Greeks.

            The expression "DNA sketching"(skiagrafisi) was first heard by AKKEL a year and a half ago when the tendency to use RNA vaccines began on a basis of complete uncertainty and without previous experience. Many doctors with whom AKKEL spoke (because we ALWAYS talk to scientists) after wondering how it is possible to think about the government for vaccines at that point and even this type, then typically wondered if "they want to sketch the DNA". They were direct and spontaneous scientific evaluations which at that time we could not realize how important they would be today. Perhaps to a large extent the very negative attitude of the military in the Greek Armed Forces for vaccination, is due to this knowledge that exists and they simply do not want to take this risk. The above brings to the surface the serious issue of the proliferation of biological weapons (mass destruction) and in fact with a racist orientation, giving possibilities to target a specific "national DNA" or other unique DNA combinations of population groups, which until now DID NOT EXIST. The investigation of these serious possibilities requires scientists and researchers mainly from the field of the Armed Forces. Not every scientist can evaluate in detail and in depth the areas and ways of mapping and extracting information for operational action with biological weapons that target DNA and decide with certainty that at least some RNA vaccines help plan such operational action. AKKEL (having spoken to many scientists since February 2020 when there was information that corruption circuits were "preparing something") put the pieces of the puzzle together and the picture formed (with gaps in the details needed by military experts in biological weapons to be clarified and filled) is perhaps more dangerous and criminal than we imagine.

            However, the fact that the Turkish regime could use the Turkish-German Pfizer-Biontech vaccine for evidence in order to obtain DNA-targeting information for biological attack (especially when many Turkish nationals who do DNA analysis see Greek origin revealed) for Greece, Cyprus and other countries is not only a matter of national security, but of survival.


            With the experience so far from the action of the European Commission and from you personally, AKKEL never sees any intention on your part to investigate the above and to move to freeze all actions against citizens in EU member states, therefore you are working against the citizens and you must resign if you do not work for the benefit of the citizens and the restoration of freedom and democracy in the EU. This letter removes from you the possibility of claiming that you did not know.




Evangelos (Vakis) Tsiombanidis,

AKKEL President

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